Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's still in me...:-)

You is funny how something becomes a part of you. Especially when it is as important as MPM.
Even though I am not part of the challenge, I can't help but still want to find 5 each day.

And it comes from the fact that I realize how very needed this service is for most everyone I meet.

As a result of my involvement the first week, I find that when I am in a situation, I am now more inclined to talk about MPM and give a card than I was before.

Generally speaking, like most of you are finding, the results are very positive and as these new folks learn more about what MPM/TWCCTW is all about, they too will become grateful for finding MPM through each of us.

If you are reading this and want to know what I am talking absolutely owe it to yourself to take a few minutes that will be a huge turning point in your life!

Check it out at

You will be ever so glad you did!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Personal issues bumped me out...

Greetings one and all
If you are following my journey, please know that I did not think this task too difficult! While I had my struggles in finding the time to get it all in.... what made me take myself from the glass bowl is of a personl nature dealing with some health concerns. I thought I had them resolved before applying, but found that there are some things I need to take care of.

Also, I do realize that there is never an all perfect time for anything ... really...and that everyone has things they deal with...I just didn't feel that I could give it my best and that someone else should be in my spot.

I am listening behind the scenes and building my business using what is being learned and am cheering you all on in your journey as you continue with the Bootcamp Challenge.

I am certain all will work out, but I just needed to take the time to get the things done to be sure they do!

But, again...let me stress. This is a business and a company that delivers what is promised. If you work the program, this definitely will work for you!

Check it out at

Love to all!