Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's still in me...:-)

You is funny how something becomes a part of you. Especially when it is as important as MPM.
Even though I am not part of the challenge, I can't help but still want to find 5 each day.

And it comes from the fact that I realize how very needed this service is for most everyone I meet.

As a result of my involvement the first week, I find that when I am in a situation, I am now more inclined to talk about MPM and give a card than I was before.

Generally speaking, like most of you are finding, the results are very positive and as these new folks learn more about what MPM/TWCCTW is all about, they too will become grateful for finding MPM through each of us.

If you are reading this and want to know what I am talking absolutely owe it to yourself to take a few minutes that will be a huge turning point in your life!

Check it out at

You will be ever so glad you did!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Jean's Global Village said...

Thanks for your wonderful positive attitude, Penny! You are right--MPM is the answer to what so many people need and want. It is actually fun to spread the word!

Your friend,