Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's still in me...:-)

You is funny how something becomes a part of you. Especially when it is as important as MPM.
Even though I am not part of the challenge, I can't help but still want to find 5 each day.

And it comes from the fact that I realize how very needed this service is for most everyone I meet.

As a result of my involvement the first week, I find that when I am in a situation, I am now more inclined to talk about MPM and give a card than I was before.

Generally speaking, like most of you are finding, the results are very positive and as these new folks learn more about what MPM/TWCCTW is all about, they too will become grateful for finding MPM through each of us.

If you are reading this and want to know what I am talking absolutely owe it to yourself to take a few minutes that will be a huge turning point in your life!

Check it out at

You will be ever so glad you did!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Personal issues bumped me out...

Greetings one and all
If you are following my journey, please know that I did not think this task too difficult! While I had my struggles in finding the time to get it all in.... what made me take myself from the glass bowl is of a personl nature dealing with some health concerns. I thought I had them resolved before applying, but found that there are some things I need to take care of.

Also, I do realize that there is never an all perfect time for anything ... really...and that everyone has things they deal with...I just didn't feel that I could give it my best and that someone else should be in my spot.

I am listening behind the scenes and building my business using what is being learned and am cheering you all on in your journey as you continue with the Bootcamp Challenge.

I am certain all will work out, but I just needed to take the time to get the things done to be sure they do!

But, again...let me stress. This is a business and a company that delivers what is promised. If you work the program, this definitely will work for you!

Check it out at

Love to all!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tough Crowd! :-)

I gotta be just did not go the way I thought it would! Great, Turkey day behind me... am off work, but hubby still had to go...So I had the whole day to myself. One minor issue --the car was at the shop and I had no way to go out and about.

So...I thought, I would make this an office day and go prospecting tomorrow..finally have the time to make the invitation cards...Well, that did not go well. Try as I might..I could not get the typing thing to go in the spaces where I wanted to put my info. Ok, some phone follow up. No one home. Apparently they all have cars and are out shopping!!
Next...go and check the mail. Surely my packet will come today and I will finally get my beans. Nope. No packet ... no beans.

I wrote to Ginny to let her know that the bean had not yet arrived and my alternate plan for the day. She was gracious...but did not accept my point of view for the day. Whatever it takes to get it done she wrote...Umm, I really thought I would get some sympathy from her!

Are you getting the drift here?? :-)

So then we got word that the car was ready for pick up. Ken came home and we were on our way...You guessed I drove it home...I noticed it still was doing the same thing. Gas gauge reading empty, even thought tank is full! IT WASN"T FIXED!!! AGH!!! Has to go back on Monday...blah..

Leftover time...Yummy! Now have to go out to see the dryer I found on line, but wanted to see in person before buying...Ok, NOW I can prospect. Yippee.

Well, let me tell ya......while I think I did the same thing, but using the help raise funds for my local food pantry (they just did a story about how low and out of funds they are here on the news, so I chose them) being totally honest here...It was a tough crowd! One person was interested, but the other folks I approached were just rude. I am not sure I would want them on my team anyway. But again being totally honest, I think I would have to say that I just did not seem "on" today either. None the less, I did give 4 more information papers away, but no one but one would give me any info. Like I said...tough crowd.

Now one might perceive this as a negative entry---Oh contrair! A little venting perhaps...but certainly not negative...Just getting clarity. Seeing how easy it is to let stuff get in the road of goals? Was a great reminder to me..that I am going to have to remember to "push the crap" aside and find a way to get it done.

Tomorrow is yet another day. Maybe you all will decide not to do anything. But Saturday for me will need to be a catch up day to get it done...No matter what it takes! Woo Hoo....

Game back on!! :-)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

MY POWER MALL stretch...:-)

To be honest...I was spent! Today (at the office) was hectic also...(what is up with this???) I have to be honest and pretty much decided that I would have to chuck the 5 people thing for today. Yeah, I could write, yeah I might be able to make my video since I missed yesterday...But the 5 contacts for today...Well, I would just have to make it up on Friday or Saturday.

Stopping at the Party Store to get a few plates and decorations for the table...I gave it a half hearted try and talked with a young girl who said she just did not have a computer or email and just wasn't interested. See? There it sign. I was off the hook. No one would be interested anyway...So need to talk to anyone today..

But you know what? When we went out for dinner ( I decided to chuck cooking dinner too!) I could not help myself and as I looked around, there were a bunch of people who needed this. But again...honesty here....I began to poop out!

However, one couple was especially noticeable and after we finished I just had to go over and talk with them. They did give me their email, but declined the phone number, but their eyes lite up when I mentioned they get rebates for everything they buy!

Ok, so I got one...and I knew I had people I had approached awhile ago and got phone numbers from them but that was just before this testing thing started and I got distracted. But no more. They are listed on my contacts and I will follow up with them and get them info by Saturday.

You thing I do try to remember is to not beat myself up. As I sometimes say...Some days I get the bear...and sometimes the bear gets me. :-) But the important thing is to just keep going and do better tomorrow.

So..the day of thanks will give me the needed rest to jump back in on Friday!

Blessings to all!

P.S. On my video...I showcased two items we recently purchased but then the thought occurred to me that should our kids watch these...well there goes the surprise...DAH!!! So I had to edit it out and that is why it looks like I am starting in the middle of something...Because I Was hahahah...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Of course...NOW I get busy at work!! Blah!

So from the time I set foot in my office today (15 minutes early) until I left (5 minutes late) I was busy. I have worked there a little over 3 years, and I have not had a busy day like this EVER!! I had planned on leaving at lunch to go and find my people because I knew after dinner, I HAD to go get groceries. After all, we are hosting the turkey day dinner and I had cranberry sauce...Nothing.
Now, I do realize that I am so blessed to be able to have the dinner at our home...but I had to go shopping. It was snowing, again dark and saintly hubby saved the day and had dinner ready when I got home. So we ate and when I went to print some more information slips to take with me, the computer decided to give me fits. Well, I found a way to make a few....jumped in the car and away we went.
Ken had no idea he was about to do the shopping by himself as I surveyed the people and started to work the crowd! Then I would catch up with him, grab something we needed off the shelf and put it in the basket as I looked for my next friend. But again I was up against time. It was already 7:00 and I had to be back by 8 for the call.

But to make a long story short...I got 4 contacts out of 6 people I stopped to see if they would help me with my challenge to help them earn 2,000 in 60 days. And these 4 people seemed really awesome! If they follow through, I think they will do it!

Phew! Under the it done! Again, still have to do the video and upload to YouTube, but I think I have that down now and that should go alot faster. I just have to do better on my lighting! :-)

Well, folks...that is day two.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Phew...What a Powerful Day! :-)

Since I knew I would not be able to do the evening call due to a meeting I HAD to attend this Monday for work, I made a point to be on the 11:00 call. How exciting! Tons of good motivating information and not only information, but what to do and how to go about doing it. Step by Step! Great. But the problem was...I was not leaving work today and had this meeting which required me to be there at 6:30. Ok, so here was the plan. I didn't have time to work with the invitation I just quickly made up some information things that had World Changer Reality Bootcamp Challenge at the top, then my name, my email address under that, blog site under that, then Please visit and under that my foundation mall address and at the bottom in bold letters the words "I want to help you make $2000 in the next 60 days."

By the time I took the meeting information to the room got it set up and then headed out (it was cold, and raining and very dark by now...all reasons to stay where I was...) it was on its way to 6:00. My plan was to go to a local strip mall and see who I could find to talk with in the short period of time. The area in which I work is one where not many venture out during the dark hours, but I thought of all the places...Staples might be a good spot as people in there are probably looking for things for work or maybe for their computer.

Good thinking...but WRONG!! There was no one in the place, other than a teenage cashier and one less than friendly looking security guard. :-) He may have been nice...but I just was not getting good vibes.

I decided to bail and try another store. I had much better luck from then on and actually met and spoke with 7 people. From those I spoke with, 4 of them gave me information and agreed to watch the video. I missed my mark by 1 for my 5 for today...but I know now that I can do this and I will be able to get people to the website.

One lady did not have a computer, but her daughter did, Latika Smith...and she promised me she would give her the information, but was hesitant to give me anymore than her daughter's name. So I can't count that.

But all in all, for the time crunch I was under (45 minutes for the find the people challenge)..I feel pretty good about the start. And who knows how many I will be able to give this great information to so they too can start towards making 2000 in 60 days!!

Ok, now onto the next part of this day...doing this video and uploading to thisYou Tube thing! Wish me luck!!

Cheers everyone!
Until tomorrow

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good news today!

Found out today, inbetween washing walls, (yeah I still do that!), cleaning carpets and running wet laundry over to my mom's house to dry (our dryer broke down and part not here yet...) that I have been bumped up to be a part of the pioneer bootcamp team.

I want you all to know that I am married to a saint of a hubby. While I was doing all this pre holiday stuff, and setting up my new email, blog etc...he ran out to track down a cheap but good camcorder. Found one and then learned how it works and downloaded to me, so I was able to get my first video (first ever that is...) emailed to Ginny! Phew. Then I found out I have to learn how to post to YouTube.

It is amazing what one can still learn.. The cliche' is right. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!! haha.

Anyway, feeling very accomplished (and very achey and tired!!) I am turning in, but am so looking forward to our first call tomorrow.

Am looking forward to meeting each one of you and being a part of your success.

Night all!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

And so it begins

Saturday- November 22. I was checking email about every half hour since I applied to be a part of the newly developed bootcamp team. But by 2:30 - on it's way to 3:00, nothing. "Well," I thought, "I guess I wasn't picked" and went back to cleaning in preparation for the upcoming holiday. A few hours passed and I had to check one more time before totally giving up on being a bootcamper. Lo and behold...there it was! Woo Hoo...I made a knats eyelash that is. I will be an alternate. Fine with me! And as we all know...there are 5 things to do before 6 pm tomorrow. Email Jacki and accept. Done. Set up this blog. Done. Send a picture and maybe add to my application comments, decide where to put my TWCCTW foundation mall and name it. To Do after I am done blogging. And here comes the tough one for me. Make that video. While I have a camera included on my laptop...I have NO Clue how to use it. On our desk computer, there is this little globe thing and we have a mic, but again am technically challenged to make a video... So...have to really put my brain to getting that done. But will do it.
This opportunity is going to be so great and am sure an eye opening experience for all. But the best part is that I know more than just me will benefit from this. And that is what I love most about this company!
And 9:28 Saturday, Nov 22, 2008 it begins!! Woo Hoo