Friday, November 28, 2008

Tough Crowd! :-)

I gotta be just did not go the way I thought it would! Great, Turkey day behind me... am off work, but hubby still had to go...So I had the whole day to myself. One minor issue --the car was at the shop and I had no way to go out and about.

So...I thought, I would make this an office day and go prospecting tomorrow..finally have the time to make the invitation cards...Well, that did not go well. Try as I might..I could not get the typing thing to go in the spaces where I wanted to put my info. Ok, some phone follow up. No one home. Apparently they all have cars and are out shopping!!
Next...go and check the mail. Surely my packet will come today and I will finally get my beans. Nope. No packet ... no beans.

I wrote to Ginny to let her know that the bean had not yet arrived and my alternate plan for the day. She was gracious...but did not accept my point of view for the day. Whatever it takes to get it done she wrote...Umm, I really thought I would get some sympathy from her!

Are you getting the drift here?? :-)

So then we got word that the car was ready for pick up. Ken came home and we were on our way...You guessed I drove it home...I noticed it still was doing the same thing. Gas gauge reading empty, even thought tank is full! IT WASN"T FIXED!!! AGH!!! Has to go back on Monday...blah..

Leftover time...Yummy! Now have to go out to see the dryer I found on line, but wanted to see in person before buying...Ok, NOW I can prospect. Yippee.

Well, let me tell ya......while I think I did the same thing, but using the help raise funds for my local food pantry (they just did a story about how low and out of funds they are here on the news, so I chose them) being totally honest here...It was a tough crowd! One person was interested, but the other folks I approached were just rude. I am not sure I would want them on my team anyway. But again being totally honest, I think I would have to say that I just did not seem "on" today either. None the less, I did give 4 more information papers away, but no one but one would give me any info. Like I said...tough crowd.

Now one might perceive this as a negative entry---Oh contrair! A little venting perhaps...but certainly not negative...Just getting clarity. Seeing how easy it is to let stuff get in the road of goals? Was a great reminder to me..that I am going to have to remember to "push the crap" aside and find a way to get it done.

Tomorrow is yet another day. Maybe you all will decide not to do anything. But Saturday for me will need to be a catch up day to get it done...No matter what it takes! Woo Hoo....

Game back on!! :-)

1 comment:

Jacki Varacalli said...


It sounds like your day is not over yet, how many contacts do you still need? I know you and you CAN do this. DO what ever it takes as there are no make up days in this camp. I guess there is not much sympathy here either huh? -Jacki